

City placement

In Simutrans-Standard, cities are distributed evenly and randomly on the game terrain when a new game is first generated. A range of sizes of towns are automatically generated, but the only aspect of town size that the player can customise is the median size of the towns and the overall number of towns.

In Simutrans-Extended, there are additional options to determine the number of very large cities in comparison to the ordinary size of towns, to set cities in clusters, for towns to tend to be built more on lower ground than higher ground and for towns to be more likely to be built near rivers and the sea. Also, there are more likely to be rivers generated on high ground, increasing the total number of rivers generated. Most of this feature (with the exception of towns preferring to be built at a lower height) was written by Inkelyad.

The aim of these features is to enable a more realistic and interesting landscape to be generated, to allow, for example, river transport in times before canals or the grouping together of large urban areas whilst still allowing wide open spaces.

City size distribution

In Simutrans-Standard, cities are sized more or less randomly based on a median set when generating the game.

In Simutrans-Extended, city sizes are set according to Zipf's law of city size distribution. The code for this feature was written by Richard Smith.

The aim of this feature is to make the landscape on which players play more realistic.

City roads

In Simutrans-Standard, players are free to delete any city roads without restriction. This allows players to leave large numbers of city buildings disconnected from the city road network when building their networks. Further, players are allowed to build private roads in cities, which remain private and inaccessible to any other player's transport. The city speed limit is a hard-coded 50km/h.

In Simutrans-Extended, players may not delete city roads such as would leave city buildings disconnected from the city. Any road built in a built-up area of a city will be adopted by the city authorities and available to use by all players. The city speed limit will apply, and the city will pay for the maintenance of the road. The city speed limit is the speed limit of the current city road as defined by the pakset's

The aim of this feature is to require players to respect the integrity of cities when planning networks, so that players have to work around features already present rather than simply overriding them, and also to prevent players from unrealistically increasing the speed limit in built up areas or from excluding players from cities with private roads.

City electrification

In Simutrans-Standard, it is possible to build electricity grids using power stations (treated as industries, and built by the public service player), substations and high voltage transmission lines. The only effect of these electricity grids is to increase production of industries: any industry connected to electricity substantially increases its productivity by a fixed proportion. Power stations will be built to match electricity demand by industries automatically. The percent of electricity demand that will be supplied depends on the "electricity percent" setting in the "new map" dialogue.

In Simutrans-Extended, it is also possible to connect cities to the power grid. This is done by placing a substation somewhere inside the city limits. Any industry within the city limits will automatically be connected to the power grid without having its own, separate substation. Cities will also consume electricity themselves. The amount of electricity that they consume depends on their size, and also varies over time, according to values set in a configuration file called Cities connected to the electricity grid (and that have as much electricity as they demand) will grow faster than those not connected. The extent to which electricity makes a difference to city growth also varies with time, in the same proportions as power consumption.

Each city has a graph showing power demand and power consumption, and also a text display showing the total demand in megawatts. Note that the power demand graph will remain at zero unless there is a substation in the city, since that graph shows the amount of electricity demanded by the substation. The text display will show the city's theoretical power demand irrespective of whether there is a substation. All industries, power stations, substations and power lines now show their power output, consumption and capacity in megawatts. The amount of electricity consumed by industries can be adjusted by setting the "electricity_percent" value in the individual factory's .dat file. 100% represents the same amount of electricity consumption as in Simutrans-Standard. 17% is the default, which is thought to be a value that gives a more realistic proportion of power stations to industries. As with Simutrans-Standard, new power stations will be built to match demand, and demand both of industry and of cities will be taken into account.

The aim of this feature is to make the electricity grid system more complete and easy to understand, as well as providing an interesting additional element to consider in respect of city growth.
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