Note: in Simutrans, "industry" includes producers of raw materials, such as mines, farms and fisheries, and ultimate end-consumers, such as shops.

Also see: Industry Workers

Industry Status Colourslink

The Status colour bar under the picture shows how and whether the industry is operating (also used in the <a href="factorylist_filter.txt">Industry List):

- white means that the industry does not require input;
- yellow means that the industry is connected by transport, but the supply of input commodities is poor or non-existant;
- green means that the industry is at optimum status;
- orange means that the industry is operational but improvements are possible in the supply of goods (for example, only some commodities are supplied to an end consumer industry);
- red means that the industry is operational, but that part of the industry supply chain has excess supply; and
- purple means that the industry is short staffed.

Industrial obsolescence, upgrading and density balancinglink

In Simutrans-Standard, new factory chains can be built, but old ones never close down, although they can be bulldozed by the public service player. Factories can have a retirement date, which means that, after that date, no more factories of that type will be built. New industries are built every time that the population increases beyond a certain threshold specified in

In Simutrans-Extended, factories will close down some time within 30 years of their retirement date (exactly when is random, but the chances increase as time passes. This number is variable in 30 is the default). Any other factories in the chain will attempt to link to other suitable factories that have not yet closed down. If they are unable to do so, then they will also close. Players will be given a message in the news ticker whenever a factory closes.

Factories may upgrade to other factories (if the feature has been configured in the pakset being used) instead of closing. New factories are created when the overall industry density to population ratio falls below the industry density to population ratio that obtained when the game was first started, thus maintaining the same overall industry density throughout. How individual factories contribute to the industry density can be set by the pakset authors, so that a change in the overall amount or production of industry over time can be simulated. Pak128.Britain-Ex, for example, uses this feature to simulate the industrial decline in the UK from the 1970s onwards.

The aim of this feature is to simulate changing patterns of industry with time, and to give players with established networks a greater challenge in dealing with changing circumstances, as well as to balance industry creation more precisely than it was balanced before.

Industry generationlink

In Simutrans-Standard, the production/consumption rates of all industries are set at a random value within a predefined range. In more recent versions, industries require passengers/mail/electricity for increases in their production or consumption, and can grow if used heavily. The number of passengers demanded are now also set per factory (these new Standard features are also present in Extended).

In Simutrans-Extended, consumer industries (i.e., those that consume but do not produce, such as shops) intended to be located in cities will have their consumption rates set proportionately to the size of the city compared to other cities. As of version 9.11, there is also an improved system for linking industries to consumer industries with unsatisfied demand.

The aim of this feature is to make the goods consumed by a city proportionate to its size, which is more intuitive and makes network planning more realistic, as players are able to foresee, for example, that more goods will need to be shipped into a large city as more shops open, etc..

Industries' demand for goodslink

In Simutrans-Standard, the number of goods that can be in transit to any given industry at any given time is set by a fixed percentage applicable to all industries (note: as at the date of writing, in the nightly builds, but not release builds, this is varied depending on the generating industry's output storage). This can lead in some cases to large fluctuations in demand.

In Simutrans-Extended, the number of goods that can be in transit to any given industry at any one time is based on the proportion of the average trip time to deliver the goods to the time that it takes to consume the receiving industry's full store. The aim of this feature is to provide for more consistent and realistic demand.
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