
Build Airports

How to Build An Airportlink

Airports require large areas of land to build on. They are also quite expensive! They require the following components.


An airport to work requires:
  • A runway: where the airplanes will land and take off.
  • A taxiway: where the airplanes will move around in the airport, connecting the runway and other buildings such as a hangar (depot) and stops.
  • A depot: where you purchase the airplanes. Required only if there is none in the map.
  • Airstops: where the airplanes park to load and unload passengers, good or mail.
  • Extension buildings: They define the freight type and storage capacity of the airport.


  1. Level the ground: The terrain must be flat and free of obstacles. To achieve this, use the Landscaping Tools in order to make landfills and excavations that are necessary (or use the keys u and d, to raise or lower the land). To eliminate any obstacle such as building or roads, use the Destroy/Remove tool (r key). The area for a fairly good airport is 6 x 4 tiles.
  2. Build a runway: In the Airport Tools, use one of runway builders available. Runways must be straight and level.The runway needs to be long enough for an aircraft to reach some speed, so larger aircraft may require longer runways (recommended 5 tiles long).
  3. Build taxiways: In the Airport Tools, use one of taxiway builders available. The taxiways are required to allow the aircraft to move around the airfield and connect the runway to the Depots and ''Airstops", so there is no required shape to follow; build as much as you think it will be needed to connect the airport buildings to the runway. They are built similar to roads, but unlike roads, they can not change elevation. The taxiways never connect to the ends of a runway.
  4. Implant an depot: Also known as hangars, they perform just like every other depot in simutrans. They are where aircraft are bought and sold. They are built on taxiways. Clicking on them opens the Hangar dialogue.
  5. Implant an airstop: They are places where planes park while they are loading and unloading. Think of them as similar to bus stops. You can build multiple airstops in an airport and aircrafts will automatically select an empty airstop to go to when they land. But unlike the other kinds of stops (for trains, bus etc), airstops do not define the freight types that the airport will accept, so you will need to implant some extension buildings. Airstops always are inserted at the ends of the taxiways.
  6. Implant extension buildings: They enable the freight type (passenger, goods or mail) and storage capacity (the amount of freight) that an airport can support. There are extension buildings for passengers, goods and mail, so use those that will fit your needs, for example, if you want to transport passengers, use passenger extension buildings along with passenger airplanes that you bought in the depot. There are also extension buildings that just increase the storage capacity. You can see what each extension building does by hovering the cursor over the tools. The extension buildings must be inserted next to an airstop or an existing extension building. The more extension buildings that you insert, the more the airport capacity will increase.

idea Tip: If no extension building was implanted next to the airstop but there is another kind of stop next to it (such as a bus stop, trans station), the airport can still assume the freight type of that stop. If you desire, there are in the Special Construction Tools another variety of extension buildings that can enable more freight types and increase the capacity of your airport.

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