
Build Railroads

How to Build Railroadslink

1. Choose an appropriate type of rail. Railroad types that allow higher speed also have higher building and maintenance costs! Click on the rail type you would like to build from the Rail Tools menu.

2. Click on the desired starting square. A small icon will appear at that point.

3. Click on the desired endpoint for the rail segment you are building.

Simutrans will then calculate the shortest route, and if one is found, build the track. If no track is built, the distance was too great. A good strategy is to plan ahead, and build track one segment at a time, instead of letting simutrans calculate a long route. Minimizeing turns and inclines will keep your trains running fast.

If you aren't satisfied with the laid track, you can undo with the z-key. But be aware: You can only undo the last step!

New: Using the (ctrl) key will build straight tracks
Normally, simutrans will calculate the shortest route and build that track. But, it may add lots of bends and inclines, which will slow your vehicles down. Using the (ctrl) key will force it to build straight tracks. Hold down (ctrl) when placing rails to use straight track building.

Lastly, in order to avoid delays, consider building double track segments if more than one train will run on the track. use Signals to set up double track segments.

See also: Rail Plans

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