


In Simutrans-Standard, there is no concept of comfort: the only differentiation between vehicles is their theoretical maximum speed.

In Simutrans-Extended, each passenger carrying vehicle has a comfort rating. This corresponds to the maximum comfortable journey time that passengers may spend in that vehicle. Passengers will still travel when the vehicle's comfort is lower than their comfortable journey time, but will yield less revenue in consequence. Paksets can be configured so that passengers pay a bonus fare when the comfort exceeds the passengers' maximum comfortable journey time, but this feature is no longer used on Pak128.Britain-Ex as it is superseded by the passenger and mail classes feature (discussed above).

Comfort is important for distinguishing between different classes in the same convoy. Passengers who can afford to pay for a higher price of accommodation will only do so if the better accommodation is more comfortable than the cheaper accommodation, or the cheaper accommodation is full or overcrowded. Passengers will always upgrade to the higher class of accommodation if the cheaper accommodation's comfort is below the maximum comfortable journey time for the passengers' journey, but will only sometimes do so otherwise (some passengers are more willing to pay more for extra comfort than others). Please note that, for technical reasons, it is not possible within a reasonable level of performance to have a workable system in which passengers take into account comfort in deciding which route to take. This might be possible in a future time where CPUs with very many cores (perhaps 16-32) are commonplace.

Passengers who have to stand because they occupy an overcrowded vehicle assume their comfort to be 10 (or lower if the vehicle's base comfort is 10) for revenue purposes.
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